MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

Product feature

Mitsubishi Electric offers various types of equipment including tension controllers, tension detectors and tension meters required for tension control to allow you to choose the ideal products for your application and control needs.

Feedback type tension controller

This type of controller directly measures the material tension using the tension detector, and performs feedback control so that the tension during unwinding and winding matches the set value.

Open-Loop type tension controller (reel diameter detection type)

This type of controller detects the reel diameter using sensors and controls the unwinding and winding torque. This method can stably control tension without being sensitive to sudden disturbances.

Clutch amplifier

Clutch amplifiers change the current and voltage of powder clutches and brakes in accordance with variable resistors provided on the panel, external signals and external variable resistors.

Tension meter

Tension meters display the material tension detected by the sensors, and output the corresponding signals to external equipment.

Tension meters can handle multiple shafts or can perform digital display suitable for tension monitoring.

Tension detector

Tension detectors detect loads (tension) applied on the materials with high accuracy.