MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

Packaging solutions

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Say goodbye to heavy losses, unexpected downtime, and damaged products. With our packaging machine camming and packaging machine multi-axis control, you can expect pristine product results like you’ve never seen before. Mitsubishi Electric is proudly one of the world’s leading packaging automation companies. As such, we’ve put years of research into providing you with the best automatic food packaging systems. No matter your industry, we can provide packaging automation systems that meet your requirements for output levels, turnaround times, and total production quantity. Our packaging line automation is cutting-edge and industry-leading, so you’ll be equipped to stay on top of the competition. 

Mitsubishi Electric is always by your side to support you and has created a dedicated team for the Packaging sector. The team, made up of industry specialists with great expertise in advanced Motion Control systems, is always there to support you from the analysis and development phases of the application to commissioning.

Discover our solutions

Bottle Filling Machine

During a bottle filling process, it is critical that liquids are deposited accurately and nozzle heights are precise, which requires advanced and dependable controls that can coordinate system components at high speeds. Mitsubishi Electric’s motion controller CPU intelligently controls cam profiles with software systems. This leading-edge CPU, which is based on Mitsubishi Electric’s iQ-R modular PLC series, reduces errors and profile deviations.

Our flexible software adjusts to various bottle sizes and does not require an entire system overhaul. The motion controller on the iQ-R Series platform controls high-speed servo drives, which ensures accurate synchronization of rotational conveyors, nozzle controls, and liquid pumps.

These controllers work with CC-Link IE, an open device-level network, which ensures bottle feed rates retain speed and accuracy. The iQ-R Series is also compatible with upper-level systems through an Ethernet option module, which feeds real-time production data into ERP/MRS systems. This removes the need to rely on statistical data to make decisions because continuous monitoring allows you to gain insight into your bottle filling performance.


Mitsubishi Electric’s iQ-R Series safeguards against label warping and tearing, by guaranteeing that they are affixed accurately. The iQ-R Series controls rotary drums, feed roller brakes, and bottle sensors, all with simple ladder logic programming, while maintaining the high speeds your machine needs to preserve productivity. Upstream communication to MES systems is just as easy with built-in Ethernet communications.

Through the high-speed iQ-R Series bus connection, the GOT2000 Series HMI give you high-res, touch screen enabled displays. This allows you to easily work on controls monitoring, debugging, and label parameter profile changes and pre-configured diagnostics.

Less complex applications necessitating interpolation and servo monitoring can instead depend on iQ-F products. The iQ-F Series is Mitsubishi Electric’s compact PLC and features easy system integration. With the FX5U controller, you gain synchronous control of four axes, as well as hassle-free maintenance and reduced cost of ownership.All iQ family controllers seamlessly connect to the MR-J4 servo family, giving you unmatched performance and ease of use, including vibration compensation and one-touch auto-tuning.

Form-Fill-Seal Packaging

Perfect synchronization is vital, given forming, sealing, and cutting requirements. Mitsubishi Electric’s iQ-R Series stands out as the ideal solution for form-fill-seal pillow packaging applications for automated packaging line needs.

iQ-R Series motion controllers, when paired with MR-J4 servo drives and the SSCNET III/H network, are capable of meeting the high demands of form-fill-seal packaging machines. They also simplify the arduous programming process and easily integrate with user interfaces while maintaining high accuracy for automated packaging line productions. The phase compensation algorithm incorporates into the motion controller, allowing packaging cutters to synchronize perfectly with conveyors, giving you accurate, high-speed cuts.

The GOT2000 HMI provides adaptable operation by allowing you to store a substantial amount of profiles within it, letting you switch from medium to large pastries with ease, as the form-fill-seal packaging profile data specific to each product can be called up in the GOT2000. This feature improves your plant’s productivity, maximizes your automated packaging line efficiency, and reduces its system downtime.

Case packing

Case packing is built for speed, but if they don’t have a smooth and controlled rhythm, there will be a lot of damaged goods and wasted time. Errors in processes like box opening, taping, and transfer conveyors can damage not only your goods, but by extension, your productivity. iQ-R Series controllers are designed to be flexible enough to meet the wide range of demands that case packing applications require while maximizing productivity and mitigating downtime.

CC-Link IE is a cost-effective, highly responsible communication network that keeps conveyor sensors, folding pneumatics, and cutter sensors synchronized. iQ-R Series controllers prioritize accuracy as well as speed, ensuring products do not spoil while being packed.


It’s a complex system with parts that must synchronize efficiently and precisely. Mitsubishi Electric has designed its iQ-F compact controller line to coordinate communication between the various devices that lead to successful bagging.

The iQ-F Series includes a wide range of controllers with special function boards, adapters, and serial communication boards fit for bagging applications. The FX5U PLC (part of the iQ-F Series) is a smaller solution but allows for system expansion. Volume dosing, thermal heat sealing, and axes for vertical intermittent motion can all be communicated among hardware in our premier automated bagging systems.


Palletizing systems tend to have more simple architectures, but they still need high-performance processes with low operating costs.

iQ-R Series controllers are ideal for palletizing applications. The simple motion modules provide up to four axes of accurate servo control for applications that don’t require motion controllers. These simple motion modules use simple ladder logic programming and integrated utility software, as well as feature easy setup and simple debugging. The CC-Link IE open device-level network allows for easy connection to the iQ-R Series controllers.

Take a look at our application videos

Succcess studies


The partnership between ILPRA Spa and Mitsubishi Electric has allowed the development of an advanced technology so to guarantee a considerable added value to the packaging process led by ILPRA Spa in every served market such as food market, medical market and cosmetic market.


The partnership between Imbal Stock and Mitsubishi Electric has allowed the development of “Experience” the new packaging machines, both automatic and manual shrink wrapping machines, “Made in Italy”. A new packaging system created to guarantee long-term maximum functionality and reliability.